Lisbon Travel Photos


Lisbon on Film

When Andreas and I spontaneously booked a flight to Lisbon at the end of March, we were hoping for warm(er) weather and sunshine.  Ironically, right before we left, spring arrived in full force here in Berlin and it was actually warmer in Berlin during the week we spent in Portugal. Nevertheless we were blessed with sunshine almost everyday of our trip, even though our iphones predicted 5 days of rain.  We had the best time exploring the city with our cameras in hand and found lots of inspiration in the architecture and colors.  For once, I didn’t bring my laptop along and we declared the trip a work-free trip (which rarely happens). We basically just planned our days around food and spent the rest of the time walking aimlessly and getting lost (my favorite way to explore a new city).  I only shot around a roll of film and not surprisingly, the film rolls had some of my favorite images.  I will share the digital photos next week on my personal blog, Chasing Heartbeats, so stay tuned for those.

Lisbon Travel Photo Lisbon Travel Photo Lisbon Portugal Travel Photo Lisbon Portugal Travel Photo

Lisbon Wedding Photographer Lisbon Wedding Photographer Portugal Lisbon Travel Photo Portugal Lisbon Travel Photo Portugal Lisbon Travel Photo

+ Comments

  1. Daryl says:

    AMAZING! What film camera are you using and what film are you shooting on? I’m always so curious – I just started using a Mamiya645 and have been loving Fuji400h, but I’m thinking of switching to kodak films?

    I also may be going to Lisbon this August – wahoooo!

    • Ashley Ludaescher says:

      You are coming to EUROPE this summer?!? Exciting!! These are just shot on my EOS 3, which is super convenient when traveling because it is light and uses all my canon lenses. All of these images are 400H, which I love, but I have been shooting lots of portra lately too :)

  2. Meg says:

    This makes me want to go back to Lisbon so bad! Stunninggggg. I love those zigzag confetti string things. AH!

  3. I just came back from a few days off at the Baltic Sea & also almost entirely shot on film. It’s sooo much more inspiring & relaxing than shooting digital, isn’t!? Love your pictures! Now I’m even more excited how my rolls turn out :) Have a nice week!

    • Ashley Ludaescher says:

      Thank you! I am excited to see your photos from the Baltic Sea! I am sure they are lovely! One of my favorite places :)

  4. sivan says:


  5. […] for relatively cheap that will also be warm(ish) in the month of March. We did that last year and ended up in Lisbon which was amazing (even if it was definitely NOT warm).  This trip was equally wonderful and just […]

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  7. AMAZING! What film camera are you using and what film are you shooting on? I’m always so curious –

    I am excited to see your photos from the Baltic Sea! I am sure they are lovely! One of my favorite places :)