Berlin Wedding Photography Soho House Berlin Hochzeitsfotos


Soho House Berlin Wedding

D and N’s wedding at the Soho House here in Berlin was such a beautiful celebration and oozing with style.  D was such a stunning bride and I definitely let out a little squeal when I saw her in her dress (that bow!!).  She and N looked so chic, and the Soho House made the perfect backdrop to their stylish city soiree.  A bit of afternoon rain moved our planned portraits inside to the Politbüro, which is such a gorgeous room with beautiful window light, it made my job pretty easy. :)  Their ceremony blended together their Kurdish and Persian cultures and they had not just one, but three wedding bands play, which made the dance party so much fun to photograph.  Thank you again, D and N, for trusting Andreas and I document your incredible celebration.

Soho House Berlin Hochzeitsfotograf Soho House Berlin Hochzeitsfotograf Soho House Berlin Wedding Photographer

+ Comments

  1. So beautiful! And what a fantastic location, too.

  2. Dilan says:

    Thank you so much again for your work !! you were amazing and we were so happy to have you and your hubby with us!